Tuesday, February 11, 2020

When Chris Matthews Is The Voice Of Reason on the Left...

In what kind of hellish Bizarro World does Chris Matthews start to make sense?  I ask, because that's where we are:
You wouldn’t think you’d hear right-leaning talking points from a died-in-the-wool Democrat television host like Chris Matthews, but that’s exactly what we got...

It gets better.

Matthews laid down the simple truth. He knows socialism is popular, but he’s seen its effets (sic) in various aspects, and it clearly doesn’t work.

In fact, in Matthews’s exact words, “it doesn’t frickin’ work.”
I guess Bernie doesn't give Chris a thrill up his leg.


  1. Anonymous6:05 PM

    How do we teach/convince the young vulnerables/naive ones that socialism is NOT social media?

  2. I was wrong in my beliefs about people's innate desire for freedom. What I've learned is that people want freedom for themselves but want to oppress everyone else.

    Invading Iraq was still the right thing to do. Of course, knowing what I know now, I wish it had been handled differently.
