Thursday, February 13, 2020

This Kookiness Exists Even In Texas

I'm not sure whether to marvel at the lack of self-awareness or the brazenness with which some people in positions of authority enforce their blatant racism:
Students studying to become teachers at Texas State University who take the course “Public Education in a Multicultural Society” are required to complete a series of assignments on “whiteness.”

The class, Culture and Instruction 3310: Public Education in a Multicultural Society, is “designed to give students an overview of public schooling in America in terms of multicultural, historical, legal and political contexts,” according to the course description...

According to the course syllabus, the online class is taught by senior lecturer Julia Meritt and features three graded assignments centered on whiteness and privilege.

The College Fix obtained screenshots of two of the assignments, which instructs students to “analyze the construct of whiteness and its relationship to privilege and equity for students.”
The correct response is "bite me". I wonder how many prospective teachers are honest on these assignments.

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