Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I'll Take "Different Things" For 300, Alex

During my long walk I came up with 3 things that are different here from other places I've been, but since I'm old and Alzheimer-y I can only remember 2 of them right now.

First, the raptors.  Huge birds, over 5' in wingspan--when they got close they looked kinda like vultures--fly between and around the high-rises.  Lots of them.  And they ride the thermals, always keeping their eyes down, looking for prey. I walked a few miles from here today, and they were in that part of the city, too--even near the large jungle-y urban parks.  I haven't seen any rats at street level, and the raptors are probably why.  Best to keep your small dogs and cats indoors.

Another thing that's different is traffic cones and plastic street barriers.  These are used with wild abandon, and armies of men are employed to constantly change their locations--for reasons I've been unable to ascertain.  Government uses them, businesses use them, they're ubiquitous.  I watched so many men push plastic barriers down streets today, and move cones from here to there.  And for the life of me I can't figure out why.

If I eventually remember the third difference, I'll be sure to add an update.

Update:  Hah, I remember!

All the escalators I have seen either move deadly slow or do not move at all--until you step on them.  Then they speed up to normal escalator speed.  Safety feature?  Energy savings?

1 comment:

  1. When I see a large number of cones with no explanation, I always assume that they put them there as a form of storage. They have so many of the things, they can't possibly have the storage space necessary to house the ones that aren't currently needed. Thus: they're storing cones.

    -- Ann in L.A.
