Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A Lot of Walking

I left my hotel around 6am and started walking to the meeting point for my walking tour up Ancon Hill (in my previous post, it's the hill with the huge Panamanian flag at the top).  My mapping app said the walk would be around 50 min, so I had about 20 min of standing around when I got there.

Then came the tour.  That hill is steep, and driving up it is not allowed.  (I recommend that the Panamanians invest in a cable car!)  From the top there were beautiful views of the Pacific side of the canal (a cruise ship was going through the first lock), the old part of the city, and the newer high-rise area.  When the tour was over I walked back, taking a few pictures and noting potential dinner locations.  By the time I got back to the hotel it was shortly after noon, and the bottoms of my feet feel like hamburger.  What does this afternoon hold?  I have no idea yet!  But I have my canal tour tomorrow, which I am very much looking forward to.

Here are a few of today's pictures:

 A view towards the high-rise part of town, where my hotel is.  Yes, I really walked all that way, both ways!  (But not barefoot in the snow.)

Ships waiting for their transit date/time through the canal.

 When you zoom, it doesn't look *so* far.

 The canal itself, with a cruise ship in the distance going through the first lock.

A sloth, in the wild!

A very obvious tourist!  The Bridge of the Americas in the the first picture, at the entrance to the canal, and a cruise ship going through the first lock is in the distance in the second.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Glad you are enjoying Panama. Great shirt on you. Most of the time, “the print wears the man”. You chose your patterns very well.
