Thursday, February 27, 2020

Coronavirus in Sacramento

Prior to today, there was one person in Sacramento County who had tested positive for coronavirus--and that person lives in a nearby county but is a patient at the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento.  And then this happens:
Two students from two different Los Rios Community College District schools have been exposed to the coronavirus.

According to a press release from the school district, the two students attend American River College and Cosumnes River College and work as medical professionals. They were exposed to the virus by the individual who has tested positive for coronavirus [COVID-19] and is being treated in Sacramento County.

The exposure appears to have happened during the week of Feb. 17, 2020, while the students were working. Both students later returned to their respective campus after exposure.

"Sacramento County Public Health experts have directed both colleges to take no immediate actions and proceed with regular class and work schedules at this time," school officials said in a press release.
Close to half of each graduating class at my school attends American River College which, as the crow flies, is 3 miles from my house.


  1. So does my kid. :/

  2. Due to the large population of our local area from Korea, China, Vietnam and Japan, I'm more or less reconciled to this being in my area of DFW sooner rather than later. These groups are generally affluent and travel all over the world. A friend of mine has a son who is in the University of Dallas Rome . . They are now secluded and their trip to Greece has been canceled. I worry about my sons who both work in jobs where they must deal with the public. My daughter works in an office and is pretty insulated from diseases unless someone comes to work sick. And this is where it gets tricky. Hourly workers will avoid staying home if it impacts their paycheck. So we're doing all we can do-wash our hands, sanitizing doorhandles, keyboards, etc, eating only food where we know the produce and avoiding crowds. I did read the mortality rate is 2% which puts it way below SARS. I think the MSM is hyping it and Democrats are definitely trying to politicize it rather than seeking a solution.
