Saturday, February 29, 2020

Another Casualty of California Stupidity

AB5, the law that pretty much does away with independent contractors and makes everyone an employee, claims another victim:
“After 40+ years of classical music concerts offered outside with family and friends, the Lake Tahoe Music Festival will call a wrap to our summer festival with two performances in August 2020,” the Festival announced in an email that we received.

“New CA employment law AB-5 requirements add to the challenge of meeting our financial goals and create the final stressor on our small non-profit organization. For several years we have experienced the same slowly eroding philanthropic support of cultural life faced by other small arts organizations in our state.

“We now join many who also face uncertainty regarding increased employment costs and infrastructure needs associated with AB-5. So we will bring our festival to a close with pride in our long-time contribution to community life in North Tahoe and Truckee.
Good job, Democrats.

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