Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Today Is World Suicide Prevention Day

When I learned that September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day my first thoughts went to a handwritten sign I once saw in London, secured to a light post on the Westminster Bridge:
It read, "If you are looking for a sign, this is it.  You matter.  You are enough."  We would all do well to remember the wisdom expressed there.


  1. California law now requires schools to put the suicide crisis phone numbers on the back of school IDs for 7-12.

    Then there's this. A survivor of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge: "As soon as I let go of the railing, I realized that I made a mistake."

    And another: >> On his way down, he thought of his wife and kids and that this was the worst thing he could ever do in life. He admits, "everything in my life could have been fixed, except for that I just jumped."<<


  2. I watched the movie The Bridge, about people who tried (or succeeded) to jump of the Golden Gate Bridge. Fascinating.

    I wasn't aware of the California law you mentioned.

  3. The 12th grader's school mentioned the change to the ID cards in a start-of-school email.
