Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Next Generation

We got off work early today.  I came home and got a 2 hour nap before going back to school for--you guessed it--Back To School Night.  I spent the evening reassuring parents that their kids are in good hands.

I didn't pay close attention to one of the parents of a 6th period student, as I had already started chatting with a couple others.  When there was a pause he said, "Darren."  I looked, knew I knew that face, and after about a second it hit me--we went to high school together.  And we have a mutual friend.

We went to high school about 10 miles from where I teach, and there are more than a few high schools between the two schools, so I'm just going to say "It's a small world." 

We took a selfie and sent it to our mutual friend, who lives in Denver.

1 comment:

  1. A similar story from my time in Korea, before we met.

    The brigade signal officer, Major Chris Ives, born/grew up in Little Rock AR. CPT Joe Smith, Asst S3, was also from Little Rock. They were 4 years apart. They started talking, they grew up 3 blocks from each other. Went to the same schools, malls, movie houses, etc. Small world.
