Thursday, August 08, 2019

Liberals Are Crazy and/or Violent

Insane Anti-Trump Protester goes BERSERK on Crowder! | Change My Mind

GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin: Staffers' Homes and Cars Targeted With "Death Camps for Trump Supporters" Fliers 

Former CNN Host Calls For "Eradication" Of Kellyanne Conway And All Trump Supporters

Rosanna Arquette: I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.

Hispanic Trump Supporter Gets Shamed

Booker Campaign Calls For Cancellation Of Trump Rally — ‘A Breeding Ground For Racism.’

Those are just a few headlines from the past day or so at NewsAlert.  You don't like those?  You think the site is biased (although embedded links justify the headlines)?  Here's CNN:

Democrats attack Trump's appeal to white supremacists

Elizabeth Warren: Trump is a white supremacist

Joe Biden says Trump 'has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation' 

These people are Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, and are going to reap the whirlwind.

Update, 8/9/19:  Here's another:

MSNBC guest says he wants 'pitchforks and torches' outside pro-Trump Equinox chairman's house

Update #2, 8/9/19:  Kamala Harris, on her own Twitter feed, accuses the president of "creating terror"

Update #3, 8/10/19The voice of sanity is Donna Brazile:
“This conversation about race and racism, domestic terrorism, white supremacy, white nationalism, it is that I am profoundly saddened as an American,” Brazile responded. “The reason why is to point fingers and to play this so-called blame game. President Trump had nothing to do with the maniac, and I’m being gracious here, the maniac who shot up a Wal-Mart store. He had nothing to do with the person who shot up, you know, the bar in Dayton. This is unbecoming of the country. The President of United States, you know, should not be blamed for you know these individual killers.”
Donna Brazile also said that President Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina was fine and that criticism of him was unjust.  Brazile is also the former DNC Chair.

Update #4, 8/11/19:  Do lefties really believe this, or do they just not care and will say anything to get a Democrat elected?
Trump's Words Encourage White Supremacist Violence, Says Michael Bloomberg
Update #5, 8/12/19:  I'm not sure it's President Trump who's throwing out all norms of civility:
7 Times MSNBC Hosts Compared Trump to Hitler ... in July
Update, 8/19/19: State senator stages "Trump assassination" photos at a fundraiser.

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