Friday, August 09, 2019

A Good Use of Statistics

Sometimes I feel we're awash in statistics.  What's the point of gathering data if you're not going to use it?  Georgia State University is using data, and to good effect:
Georgia State has boosted its graduation rate and eliminated the graduation gap for blacks, Latinos, first-generation students and low-income students. Among other things, the university uses predictive analytics to keep student on track for graduation, report Jill Barshay and Sasha Aslanian on the Hechinger Report.
Some see a downside:
Analyzing data on who’s at risk and who’s doing fine is catching on at less-selective colleges, they write. But some say it invades students’ privacy, discourages exploration and disproportionately encourages disadvantaged students to choose easier majors.
It might be better to switch to a major wherein a student can succeed rather than continue in a major that might lead to failing or dropping out.

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