Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Jury Duty

Instructions on the summons:  Check the web site after 5pm Sunday to see if my group is needed for Monday.

Sunday:  don't come in Monday.  Check back after 5 pm Monday for further instructions.
Monday:  don't come in Tuesday.  Check back after 5 pm Tuesday for further instructions.
Tuesday:  don't come in Wednesday morning.  Check back between 11:15 and 12:00 on Wednesday to see if you'll be needed Wednesday afternoon.
Wednesday, 11:15:  "Your group is not needed. Your service is complete. You do not need to check back. Thank you for making yourself available to serve as a juror."

I guess I'm good for another 18 months.


  1. Story of my life as a juror. I so want to serve on a jury for the experience. Every time what happened to you has happened to me. Every friggin' time.

    And for the record, its been five times over my life now.

  2. I usually don't make it past initial challenges for juries. I've always been called for criminal trials, and once the defense learns I have a cop friend and a cop son, "We thank and dismiss Mr. RightOntheLeftCoast."

  3. Anna A3:25 AM

    I've served once, back in my North Carolina days. It was interesting, but I will make sure that I never serve on that kind of crime again. (rape, and I am a single woman)

    GRIN I did get out of being an alternate because I said that I don't believe in scientific evidence. (Test instruments are only as good as their user and I know that it would not have come out in the trial.
