Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Couldn't Happen To A Nicer Bunch of Scum

If you haven't been following the story:  Oberlin is a private liberal arts college in Ohio.  Gibson's Bakery is a small family-run business (that's more than just a bakery) in town.  In late 2016 an Oberlin student tried to shoplift alcohol from the store and was stopped by the owner's granddaughter, who worked there.  The students involved, as well as Oberlin itself, claimed racial bias--there were protests, and Oberlin even stopped doing business with the bakery.  It didn't matter that the student actually was trying to steal alcohol, which the students claimed was just part of the "Oberlin culture".  No, the students and the school were going to punish that (white-owned) business--because they thought they could get away with it.

Gibson's sued the school, and won.  Wrongly counting on its "woke privilege", Oberlin now faces tens of millions of dollars in libel award and penalties.  And even though the judgement has already been reduced by about $10 million, they're still on the hook for tens of millions.  Oops.  They're going to try to weasel out of it, but there just isn't room:
The $25 million damages judgment plus the over $6.5 million attorney’s fees and expenses award, puts Oberlin College almost $32 million in debt to Gibson’s Bakery and its owners.

Post-judgment interest in Ohio is 5%, which if my math is correct, on $32 million equals $1.6 million a year just in interest, or $4,384 per day. So that $32 million is going to keep growing as the inevitable appeal winds its way through the courts.

Interest aside, Oberlin College doesn’t want Gibson’s Bakery to start collecting the judgment by seizing bank accounts, college equipment, and anything else they can get their hands on.
After the judgement was handed down, Oberlin doubled down.  Outside of insane SJW circles there is no sympathy for the school whatsoever.

I hope the school goes under.  I'm sure there are some stately campus buildings that would make a wonderful store/bakery and living area for the entire family.  Maybe turn some of it into a nice B&B.

Update:  The judge isn't going to let Oberlin squirm out of it:
Judge granted Oberlin College’s motion to stay execution of the judgment, but required the posting of a bond in the amount of the judgment plus three years interest as security.


  1. Anna A6:14 PM

    As an Ohio resident who lives in the same county, I am all for the Gibsons getting the money. But the college isn't hurting, their endowment fund could pay out the judgement without blinking.

  2. I'm looking forward to what happens on August 19th and then even more on September 9th.

  3. Steve: I hope September 9th goes the Gibsons' way.

    Anna: The judge set the bond so high because there seems to be plenty of concern about Oberlin's ability to pay in 3 years.
