Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I Wasn't Even A Marketing Major

There's a strip mall on my route to work.  Having worked at the same school for 16 years now, I've passed that strip mall twice a day times 185 days times 16 years...and there was a store in there that would periodically make me wonder.

Dress Barn.

Now, I'm no marketing genius, but in what way is Dress Barn a good name?  No, it's not a "western" clothing store.  It is, as one of my students described it today, a "mom store".  So it seems to me like the name of the store implies that cows shop there--not the image I think they'd want to convey to their female clientele.  It's a name that I always thought was just darned odd.

Oddly enough, it's not in that strip mall anymore.  I didn't notice when the store closed and the sign came down--clearly it didn't captivate my attention--but dang, what a name.

What brings up a post about the name of a women's clothing store?  I saw a headline today:

 I am not shocked at this, not shocked at all.


  1. I'm a mom, and I can't understand the name either. I have never shopped in a Dress Barn. Still, it was better than Fashion Bug, which totally was a thing that existed.

  2. Anna A3:19 AM

    Dress Barn, a long time ago, had another name. I used to shop there, but stopped for various reasons, including not being able to find what I was looking for. They were a discounted clothing store. I heard that the quality has diminished over time, also.

  3. I avoided the place pretty much entirely based on the name. One day I was waiting for someone to finish their purchase at a mall and wandered into one. I didn't buy anything, but it was actually a nice store.

  4. I like the store, but the name is terrible. My husband always laughs at it.
