Monday, May 20, 2019

An Argument For Vouchers

Do you support vouchers for K-12 education, or not?  Why or why not?

Here are a couple points from DC:
Washington, D.C. voucher students did no better in reading and math than students who applied for vouchers but lost the lottery, a new study shows. However the voucher students felt safer and had better attendance, reports Andrew Ujifusa in Education Week.
Arguments for both sides there, but what about this?
Choice provides the same academic outcomes at one-third the cost, concludes Corey DeAngelis in the Washington Examiner. “Public schools in D.C. spend around $28,000 per student each year, while the average private school voucher amount is only around $9,600 per student each year in D.C.”
That's significant.


  1. That's an apple to orange conclusion -- Compares a per pupil cost that includes a much higher percentage of remedial, ENL, and special ed to one that doesn't -- intellectually dishonest.

  2. LeftCoastRef9:08 PM

    Igm - I don't follow. The comparison is what the district is spending on a student. If that student LEAVES the building, it costs them less than $10k. If the kid remains, it costs them $28k. It doesn't differentiate between a remedial, EL or SpEd kid leaving.
