Monday, April 29, 2019

College-level Temper Tantrum

If they held their collective breath until they turned blue and passed out, that would be a better outcome:
Middlebury College’s Student Government Association has thrown down the gauntlet: Give us our demands or we go away.


In a campuswide letter Tuesday, student leaders promised that most of them will resign, “effectively dissolving” the Senate, if the administration doesn’t make “tangible plans to implement” the SGA’s 13 demands. They demanded President Laurie Patton address their demands at a Tuesday town hall...

It wants to subject invited speakers to the scrutiny of the administration’s and its own diversity organizations. Academic departments and other organizations would have to fill out a “due diligence form” that would let the diversity organizations “determine whether a speaker’s beliefs align with Middlebury’s community standards, removing the burden of researching speakers from the student body"...

Students leaders are also demanding a blacklist of “faculty, staff, or administration members who do not participate in bias training,” so that students can “make informed decisions on courses and interactions.”
They sure are good little fascists, aren't they?


  1. So basically their threat go away?
    Shrug -- let the little snowflakes go. Problem solved.
    Plenty of snowflakes waiting to pay tuition to fill those seats.

  2. Read the whole article. Wow. Seriously, don't they have any inkling that this was the same way the fascist movements got started in the Europe in the 20's & 30's? Of course not. They are too busy repeating history than learning it.
