Monday, April 29, 2019

Britain, the New California

In this post from a few weeks ago I point out how California meets its energy needs--by being the largest electricity importer of all the 50 states.  Replies Britain, hold my beer:
Britain has a fracking industry–or could have one, anyway, if it weren’t for the Greens’ political clout. It finally became too much for Natascha Engel, Britain’s “fracking czar,” who quit with a blistering letter of resignation...

The United States is the only country to reduce significantly its CO2 emissions; we did it by substituting natural gas for coal in power generation. But Britain’s Greens won’t let that country develop its considerable natural gas reserves...

Given the Greens’ intransigence, how does Britain generate electricity? It simply imports gas that was produced elsewhere, thus increasing CO2 emissions and outsourcing jobs and tax revenues to other countries. It also commits the ultimate environmental folly by burning “biomass,” i.e., low-quality trees from the southern U.S. that are shipped to Britain at considerable expense. I wrote about the biomass folly, which is imposed on Britain by environmentalists, here and here. The last link is especially informative if you are interested in the details of the biomass fiasco.

Britain’s Greens want to substitute renewable energy sources for the natural gas that can be produced by fracking.
These people are Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

1 comment:

  1. Those Greens blow enough hot air to turn those windmills when the air is calm, but it's unclear what they plan on doing when the solar panels just don't produce energy to keep their cell phones charged AND the electric fires running in the chilly winter time... not to mention those hospitals and schools which require consistent, constant power that solar and wind don't provide yet.
    But no nuclear power for them...oh, no...
