Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I Was Ahead Of The Curve

I thought he'd be a lousy president, and I was right.  Now the libs are finally catching on:
A new Vanity Fair analysis refers to former president Barack Obama as a “visionary” but notes that up-and-coming Democrats are starting to frown upon his achievements...In a relatively short period, President Trump has almost singlehandedly dismantled Obama’s legacy...Trump has pulled America out of the Paris Accord, reversed pro-illegal immigration executive orders, rescinded many government regulations, repealed the Obamacare individual mandate, and of course, canceled the Iran nuclear agreement.

Worse than policy issues, younger faces of the Democrat party have found Obama’s vision devastating to their futures in politics.
He was elected solely because of his skin color, and the results show that was a less-than-stellar basis.

1 comment:

  1. I watched "The Final Year" the other day, a documentary on foreign policy efforts in Obama's last year. It was amazing how nothing that they worked on survived the election.

    I was also struck by the male/female differences in the 4 people featured. Samantha Power and Susan Rice* came off as smart and thoughtful. John Kerry and Ben Rhodes came off as blithering idiots.

    * I particularly loved the part where Susan Rice talked about her daughter having gone to bed before the election was called and then having to break it to her in the morning. Unmentioned was her son, who is president of the Stanford College Republicans.
