Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Harshing Their Mellow

While not against state law in some states, marijuana is still illegal everywhere in the US under federal law.  CBS doesn't want to step into a caca-storm, and thus refused a pot ad for the Super Bowl:
The commercial, which was proposed by marijuana investment company Acreage Holdings, did not get the green light from CBS.

1 comment:

  1. There's a boutiquey style weed store that I drive past on the way to work. They send customers away with small gift bags with the company's name and logo lovingly imprinted. On the corner next to the shop are two municipal trash cans completely overflowing with small gift bags with the company's name and logo lovingly imprinted.

    They might want to mainstream their product and make it acceptable for customers to walk around advertising that they just bought weed, but the first thing customers actually do is pocket the weed and trash the bags.
