Saturday, December 08, 2018

My 2 Favorite Words In The English Language

Touchdown, Army!

Update, 3 1/2 hrs later:  It was closer than I'd have liked, but a W is a W!


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    And the combined academies’ glee club performance of the National Anthem was one of the very best I have ever heard - the real deal, with no extra trills and flourishes, and all of the high notes hit. Wow! It can be found on a google search

    One of the other best, in my view, was also at the Army-Navy game and was a solo by a female midshipman - many years ago; perhaps in the 80s.

  2. 'twas a great, if nerve-wracking, game. I had a great seat in the 1st row behind the Army goal post. You saw me on the Army TD, extra point, & field goal. You just didn't realize it. :^)
