Saturday, December 08, 2018

Male Privilege

How about that toxic masculinity?

Liberals who believe in those two faux concepts are idiots.  They just are.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Toxic masculinity does not mean that men or masculinity are bad. It means that a misguided notion of what it means to be "manly" can be harmful to men. Men have a higher rate of suicide and substance abuse than women. Society pressures men and boys to hide their emotions. Men can be reluctant to seek therapy or even medical care because they think that they have to just "suck it up". When women encourage the men in their lives to rethink their ideas about masculinity and get the help they need, they are doing it because they care about men.

    I am concerned about this rhetoric on the internet that women hate men. That's just not true. Most women, including feminists, have men that they care about. Gloria Steinem has a male life partner and is devoted to her stepsons. I think that you will find that most feminists have positive relationships with men.

  2. There are plenty of she-woman-man-haters out there, you're just not focusing on them.

    Just recently, for example, what do you think Senator Gillibrand meant when she said the future is "female"? How do you think her sons were supposed to take that?

    As I've said so many times, in general I'm a Camille Paglia feminist. Old school feminist--women are legally and socially equal to men. Not better, not "more equal", just equal.

  3. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Senator Gillibrand meant that in the future the number of women in politics would be equal to that of men. It is silly to suggest that she hates men. She is married to a man whom she loves very much, and she is the loving mother of two sons.

  4. That's not what her tweet said.

  5. non-leftist latina physics teacher (NLLPT.... virtue signalling at leftists)5:08 AM

    How about accusing Kavanaugh of rape and toxic masculinity while depriving him of due process while hearing crickets from those same people regarding Neil Degrasse Tyson's same behavior?
