Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Yes, They're Still At It

I just went through the security checkpoint at Sac International.  It's not enough that I'm not a terrorist.  It's not enough that I went through the nudie scanner.  It's not enough that I have no idea how to bring down an aircraft.

None of that is enough for the TSA-holes.  No, they need to "pat down" my shoulders.  My shoulders.

I'm wearing a cotton polo-type shirt.  It's obvious there's nothing under that shirt but excess flab (I really do need to lose some weight), certainly nothing at my shoulders.  What, regarding actual security, is gained by having me spread my arms like a capital T and tapping my shoulders 2 or 3 times?

Such stupidity is enough to make you start believing the conspiracy theories that claim the government does this so that we'll get used to more and more intrusion, making us even easier to control.



  1. The best TSA experience I've had in years was a couple weeks ago at SeaTac. The line was scary long, but moved almost at walking speed: because they had a dog.

    They looped people through a single-file loop, while the dog went the other way, passing each person at least once. Then, we didn't have to take off our shoes or take our computers out of our bags. They asked us to stuff our coats into our bags if possible, and had us walk through a simple metal detector. The massive line took only 15-20 minutes with no recombobulation necessary on the other end. It was lovely.

  2. Auntie Ann, your final comment brought a smile to my face. Best airport sign I ever saw was in Milwaukee. After you pass through security, they have benches where you can get you stuff back together. Above the benches hangs a sign that says "Recombobulation Area."
