Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Failing The Test of Leadership

There are lots of practical tidbits that real leaders know:
Take more than your fair share of the blame, and less than your fair share of the credit.

Don't ask subordinates to do what you're not willing to do.

Praise in public, rebuke in private.
Rider University (huh?  wha?  who?), though, failed at another of those rules, which is don't give people a choice if you won't accept the outcome:
New Jersey's Rider University sent a survey to students asking them which restaurants they would like to see on campus, but when it became clear Chick-fil-A was the top pick, the school told students the popular fast-food chain would not be brought to campus.

Campus Reform first reported on the survey that was sent to students during the spring semester.

After the results were compiled, the school sent an email to students on November 1, saying Chick-fila-A'(sic) "corporate values have not sufficiently progressed enough to align with those of Rider."
This goes back to the comment of Chick-Fil-A's CEO a few years ago, who shared that his position on gay marriage was the same as Barack Obama's was when he was inaugurated.

Has Chick-Fil-A as a corporation ever done anything against gay people, individually or as a group?  Not that I'm aware of.  But disagreeing with a person's personal view is now considered sufficient reason to keep a business off a university campus, despite the fact that the students want that business there.

It doesn't get clearer than this:
"So you practice inclusiveness by excluding Chick-fil-A? How does that work?" one (social media) user said.
Consistency is not a strong suit of the left.


  1. My kids all worked for ChikFilA. My oldest was even an assitant manager. There are gay folks working in all capacities there because they pay well and they treat their employees well. My son had a manager who was gay and honestly it was no big deal. They were more concerned if they got emailed complaints about the food or service.

  2. There's one in the Sacramento area that's owned by a gay man. The Rainbow Chamber of Commerce met there periodically.

    During the big Chick-Fil-A boycott a few years ago, I wonder how many liberals even knew they were hurting a gay-owned business. No big, though, as their anger was righteous so the cost was irrelevant.

    A day or two later, at the counter-boycott, many more of us went there. The business is still thriving.

  3. I remember the Chick Fil-A Boycott. They were hoping to drive the restaurant out of business. Nowadays, it seems like every time I turn around I see another franchise opening.

    Get woke, go broke.

  4. I don't think ChikFilA would be as well known nationwide if it hadn't been for the attempt to boycott. I drive by my local one and honestly three times a day the line of cars is wrapped around the building and the store itself is full of people. I remember Bloomburg not wanting ChikFilA in New York City claiming they espoused hate. That store and many others in liberal enclaves do very well. Honestly this nonsense of having to take your political pulse before eating something, wearing something, or seeing something is exhausting.

  5. Interesting. The university two of my children attended and where I now teach has a Chick-Fil-A. It is extremely popular with the students and faculty. It was never an issue.
