Sunday, November 04, 2018

Red Flag Operation?

Sometimes I wonder how many so-called hate crimes there truly would be if Democrats weren't committing them either as red flag operations or to "raise awareness":
The suspect in a synagogue vandalism act that forced the cancellation of a Democratic event is reportedly a former City Hall employee who worked on anti-hate crime issues and is a Democratic activist, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The New York Times and a Jewish couple helped the impoverished gay black man attend college where he studied African American studies, according to The Times.

He resented New York liberals as patronizing, and railed against Israel and cultural appropriation, according to his Facebook profile.

Before knowing his identity, politicians said the vandalism demonstrated why voting Democratic was needed and highlighted government programs to combat such incidents.

1 comment:

  1. The news agencies are driving an obvious disinformation campaign. In the state of Florida CNN interviewed a woman who claimed that Obama's speech compelled her to vote for the very liberal Gillum. As it turns out, it was Gillum's mother. They aren't even bothering to hide their bias anymore.
