Sunday, November 04, 2018

Another Example of Media Bias

Anyone who claims the mainstream media aren't biased towards Democrats is a liar.  Here's yet another data point:
If you want to see just how skewed news coverage has become, it’s often instructive to compare the media’s treatment of two events which are basically the same, except that the party roles are reversed. This year, with Republicans in control of the White House, House and Senate, journalists are actively electioneering on behalf of Democrats, as a way to diminish the power of President Trump...

But eight years ago, when Democrats held both the House and Senate going into President Obama’s first midterm elections, the media were distressed that liberal power might be diluted, and upset that voters failed to appreciate the tremendous “victories” and “amazing legislative agenda” that Obama and the Democrats had accomplished.


  1. It's not just the media. It's the search engines where we go to get answers. I have gotten in the habit of researching on Google as well as Bing. 75% of the time, they are similar, but I've found the more controversial issues or candidates, the top entries shift.

  2. I use DuckDuckGo. At least they don't track my searches.

  3. I know others who use it. Good luck out there tomorrow. I know it's wishful thinking, but I'd love to see Omar Navarro beat Maxine Waters.
