Sunday, July 01, 2018

The Truth About Liberals

You don't have to like this, but your discomfort doesn't make it any less true:
I’ve been around politics for almost two decades now and one thing I have learned about liberals in politics is that they do not care about good or bad or right and wrong when it comes to people who don’t share their beliefs.

They universally feel comfortable lying about conservatives. They believe conservatives are evil and they diligently refuse to consider any explanation for beliefs on the Right that don’t support that premise. They put their liberalism above everything, including God.

Now, you may say, “My cousin is not like this,” or, “I know a great liberal I’ve been friends with since I was 12. He doesn’t think like this.” I acknowledge the truth of what you’re saying. Many liberals out in the wild are good and decent people, but that’s because liberalism is like a virus. In the early stages, you may be able to power your way through it. But the deeper you get into it and the more important it becomes to you, the more it infects your personality and turns your soul ugly.

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