Saturday, June 30, 2018

Busy Day #2

People want to buy fiberglass trailers.  My phone was beeping all day.  So many people texting questions, wanting pictures.

I had to make room for my new trailer, which means the old one had to go.  This morning I connected it up to my truck and took it to an RV repair business (I've got an "in" with the owner!), and then went to pick up my new trailer.  Got it home and had "fun" backing it into my driveway from my tiny street.

While doing lunch with my dad, I got a text that a man wanted to see it as soon as possible.  An hour later I was back at the shop, showing off my "rig".  He liked it, we negotiated for about 30 seconds, and shook hands.

But he didn't have the right hitch or ball to tow this trailer, given the height of his truck.  So we drove about 20 min to my house, and completed the transaction paperwork in the air conditioned comfort of my home.  We took my old hitch and ball and went back to the shop--and everything fit perfectly.

I admit, I got a little sentimental as I watched the Egg-terprise drive away.  Here's a picture from good times past, at the Star Trek convention in Canada two summers ago:
I'm sure you can see from the dimensions why a guy of advancing years might want a little more room!  It was bought by a father with an 11-yr-old son, and they're going to take it to Yellowstone.  Perfect, just perfect.

Sold on Craigslist for 82.5% of my asking price in under 24 hours.


  1. Wow, that was a fast turnaround! Good for you... and the new owners!

  2. Are they going to re-christen it or keep the original name?

  3. It could use some external paint, so I assume it'll get rechristened.
