Thursday, July 12, 2018

So-Called Free Riders

Back in the olden days of a couple weeks ago and more, when I was an agency fee payer as opposed to a union member, one of the union arguments in favor of required agency fees was that I should pay so as not to be a "free rider".  I always countered that I was a "forced rider", and neither side in the debate changed its opinion.  This article discusses the "four key points" made in the Janus decision, and here's the section about so-called free riders:
The Problem of Free Riders

Next, Alito turned to the problem of free riders, who shirk paying dues but can still count on unions to bargain for them and represent them in grievance hearings. Without being able to compel some form of payment, union backers say, bargaining units will be unwilling or unable to advance nonmembers’ interests — and it would be unfair to ask them to.

Alito rejected that reasoning, arguing that the representation of all workers in a given shop is the responsibility assumed by a union when its members vote it into existence.

Unions are obliged to fulfill that responsibility whether or not they are rewarded for it by nonmembers like plaintiff Mark Janus, he wrote, and the privileges they gain from being the sole designated force arguing on behalf of labor — most importantly, a seat at the table in negotiations with management — “greatly outweigh any extra burden imposed by the duty of providing fair representation for nonmembers.”

Interestingly, Alito did leave open the possibility of a kind of fee-for-service model, with unions imposing a specific charge on nonmembers for specific duties, like representing them in grievance hearings.

“Individual nonmembers could be required to pay for that service or could be denied union representation altogether,” he wrote. “Thus, agency fees cannot be sustained on the ground that unions would otherwise be unwilling to represent nonmembers.
Excellent reasoning.


  1. PhillipMarlowe7:11 PM

    I'll keep this line of reasoning in mind when the union comes begging for members next week. Interestingly, there has been no communication from the national, state or local union organizations about teachers signing up.
    The union in Maryland :

  2. Thank you for the great blog. I’ve followed and read for years but never participated in any comments or discussions. Since the Janus decision this summer I knew the Union would be coming for their pound of flesh. Your blog and this article is what I needed to read. Thanks! If you ever swing through Wenatchee WA, give me a shout!

  3. I passed thru stateside WA on my way to San Juan Island this past summer. Who knows where next summer will take me!
