Friday, July 13, 2018

Political Theater

If you're going to propose stupid laws, you should be made a fool of:
Democrats who drafted a bill to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] suddenly announced Thursday night that they would vote against it if the legislation went to the floor, after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Fox News he intended to call their bluff.

"We know Speaker [Paul] Ryan is not serious about passing our 'Establishing a Humane Immigration Enforcement System Act,' so members of Congress, advocacy groups, and impacted communities will not engage in this political stunt," Reps. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, Pramila Jayapal of Washington and Adriano Espaillat of New York told The Hill and other news outlets. "If Speaker Ryan puts our bill on the floor, we plan to vote no and will instead use the opportunity to force an urgently needed and long-overdue conversation on the House floor."

1 comment:

  1. I am furious at the media who chose their time for outrage in order to distract from the very serious business going on in Washington DC. I have a cousin who works El Paso intake. She has seen the "children" and less than half are actually minors. The want to come in as minors to avoid legal scrutiny and get more social benefits. Many have gang tattoos and some have come through the border before under other names. Those children separated from "parents' were in many cases admitted to the facilities abused, hungry and fearful. Those things didn't happen at the intake, but along the 2000 mile route from "home". A good number of these kids are not being brought by their parents, this is especially true of young teenaged girls. Human trafficking is a real problem and the pipeline goes from the border to Chicago, Houston, Miami and LA. I cannot help but think this was intended to distract and that the media is complicit.
