Thursday, April 26, 2018

Lowering The Voting Age

Just like they do with illegal immigrants, Democrats now talk about lowering the voting age to 16--because they know that kids generally tilt liberal.  I've heard high school teachers speaking positively about this proposal, but I can't imagine they'd want the school run by sophomores.  And that's what we're talking about--letting sophomores vote.  In actual elections.

Sigh.  Liberals are shameless.

I read this today on the topic and it struck home:
And read Lord of the Flies, and try to understand why children, who aren’t especially good at governing themselves, shouldn’t — until they grow up — have a say in governing a republic whose founding documents were devised to filter and limit the power of the mob to rule the body politic.


  1. Anonymous5:24 AM

    In Washington State, they moved 1984 from the high school english curriculum to the college freshman english curriculum because it was making high schoolers "paranoid".
    (We already moved Animal Farm to the college curriculum because teachers were frustrated that high schoolers couldn't understand it until they passed senior civics!)

    So high schoolers aren't mature enough to read Orwell, but they are mature enough to vote on their representatives?

  2. Personally, I think that all adult rights and responsibilities should begin at age 18, when one is an adult. It makes no sense to me to give teenagers some of the rights of an adult but not all of the responsibilities, or vice versa. I think we need one age for everything - voting, drinking, being tried as an adult vs a juvenile, going into the army, allowing teenagers to make their own mental and sexual health care decisions, etc.

    I also agree with you and the previous poster - 16 year olds are still too immature. Look up their brain scans online!
