Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Insensitive? Or Too Sensitive?

Is the school district being insensitive, or is the parent being too sensitive?
Some parents say an upcoming Civil War Ball at Ranchos Middle School is culturally insensitive, and are asking Golden Valley Unified School District to reconsider the event.

The dance, slated for this Friday, has been held for the past 17 years as a way for eighth-grade students at the Madera County school to celebrate the end of the Civil War unit in their history classes.

Vicki Snowden-Jackson, the parent of a sixth-grade student, said she was appalled to hear of the dance, and wants the district to reconsider it before her son starts middle school.

Jackson, an African American woman, said it’s a culturally insensitive way to teach the Civil War.

“They're not holding celebrations when they teach World War II, and the Nazis threw parties then,” Jackson said. “Why do it with one of the darkest times in American history"...

The superintendent said the ball has not been a problem before. If issues came up, it has typically been handled at the school with options for teachers to come up with alternative assignments if needed. The district is not opposed to reviewing the project.

But Alvarado said "this aligns with our academic standards and meeting standards with our board. It's a time in history when things definitely occurred that no one is proud of. It's not about glorifying that."  link

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