Saturday, April 07, 2018

It's (Not) Limoncello Season

A lady at work gave me a large bag of lemons this past week, a subtle enough hint that it's time for me to make some more limoncello.  So off I went to BevMo to get some Everclear.

Except you can't get Everclear in California anymore.  Apparently our Alcohol and Beverage Control types here in California have decided that Everclear is mislabeled.  It's bad enough that prior to this spat, the best we could get is 151 proof Everclear, not 190 proof.  Now, the strongest "grain alcohol" they could carry at BevMo is 120 proof.

I may have to take a trip to Reno again next weekend to get some real grain alcohol.

Good job, California.

Update, 4/8/18:  Just how is Everclear mislabeled, you ask?  Well, it's listed as grain alcohol, but it's made with corn, which isn't a grain.  Seriously.  That's what the guy at BevMo told me.


  1. Planning ahead, you might also want to buy some coffee. This very dangerous poisonous brew might soon be unavailable here. God, I HATE the people who run this friggin' state.

  2. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Be sure to write us a post showing that Everclear that you can legally buy in Nevada. A selfie in the Reno liquor store: You with your quarry raised high in victory over California’s nanny state-ism.

    Or educate yourself and save a trip. But that would compromise the “I hate the state I am forced to live in” pearl-clutching victimization theme you so enjoy promulgating here.

  3. Feel better for getting that out? I've already checked on availability.

    But I *can* get 151 proof there, which I can't in California. Because it's been mislabeled since the day they started making it. Such a great victory for California government. I feel so proud.

  4. Maryland did the same thing a while back. Luckily as an Army retiree I can still go to the Fort Meade Class IV and get it. I don't make limoncello but I do make some powerful cherries with it. As long as there is no Federal law passed, I should have a supply for which I don't have to drive far.

  5. Anonymous4:33 AM

    We know you hate your home state. Don’t worry; it hates you, too. So you were on about not being able to get EC190 and having to settle for EC151 in the PDRK. But you were gonna take a freedom ride to Nevada to get you some *real* alcohol. Which, apparently, will be the aforelemented weak sauce, EC151. Keep it real, alcohol-based patriot!

  6. California hates me? Golly gee, I hope you don't. After all, it's pretty clear no one loves you--which explains all the free time you have to visit me on my own blog and leave crappy comments. As you know I mostly read them and delete them, as your style of writing doesn't make you as anonymous as you are cowardly for posting that way.

    BTW, genius, I can get 151 in Nevada, which I cannot get in California. I *used* to be able to get 151 in California, but now I cannot. I know in your world I should be thankful for this gift from the California government, and it just *grates* you that I'm not grateful.

    Go back to your own home state. I hear the water's fine in certain cities.

  7. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I love that the guyswith multiple blog posts per day is calling out an infrequent commenter as having too much time on their hands. You fill this blog with self-unaware irony that is an absolute hoot. It’s performance art to which I say “Bravo!”

    Take a breath and enjoy living in the greatest state in the union! I worry you’re taking your own bloviations much too seriously. It’s not healthy.

    Yes—California loves me and hates you. It seems to get bluer every day. And like Martha Stewart says, “It’s a good thing.” As far as EC goes, its being banned in an increasing number of states because of its association with alcohol poisoning and date rape. I don’t have use for the paint thinner, myself, so ... no big deal to me. Quota thinks it’s banned in Nevada (probably just the 190 in reality), so I was hoping you wouldn’t carbonize the atmosphere for nothing.

    Refusing to publish my comments makes you feel powerful, so I’m happy I can help you out with that need. I get it; you don’t want your readers to see a superior argument—right here on the left coast!

    I don’t mind if the six readers here don’t see my comments. I really just write them for your benefit. You’re all the audience I need for my wee gems of insight and wisdom. I don’t expect you to take any of them to heart: you’re a vision of perfection for whom any change could only bring degradation. In your own assessment, anyway. And that’s the one that counts.

    My only wish is that it were a bit more of a challenge to ruffle your feathers. Only seems to take whisper of a breeze. Put the sunglasses on and work on that sense of humor. All the gloomy is unattractive. Smile, Darren; life is good!

  8. This is like my journal. It says something about you that you come here just to try to raise a stink. You don't raise a stink, as usually your comments are of so little value that I don't post them.

    I do in this case, though, so others can see what kind of person you truly are.

    And yes, life is good. Every day that Hillary Clinton isn't president is a good day. And, with any luck, maybe the Janus decision will go my way. So yes, there are plenty of good things going on, just not so much with California's government.

  9. Maybe you should talk to the chemistry department and order some CP ethanol from their supply company? Is that a viable alternative in CA? Then when you open it and it sucks in water from the air, it will drop to about 190 proof :)

  10. Anon, please, get back in the basement, your mommie wants you to clean your room before dinner.

    As far as Darren’s lack of EC, the FOB from the greatest state in the union, Texas, should help him soon enough.

    Now, get back to your Twitter handle and D&D page, nite nite.

  11. Darryl I keep telling you that math teachers are at a premium in Texas. You could move here where we have decent alcohol, good beer, great Mexican food and terrific barbecue and where we use problem solving and pragmatism to handle problems. Even our liberals are more conservative than your bunch. While I have advocated putting up a western wall to prevent people moving here from Cali and voting for the same stupid ideas that have destroyed your home state, I'll vouch for you.

    Think about it before the entire system collapses there.
