Sunday, March 18, 2018

How We Got President Trump

At this rate the president is cruising for reelection :-)
You see, after the 2012 presidential election conservatives and Republicans really threw up their hands in disgust because, in a nutshell, if progressives can turn Mitt Romney into the devil incarnate, then it really doesn’t matter anymore. 

As a result, four years later these voters chose someone who was going to throw liberals’ nasty nonsense right back at them. 

Regarding the “fake news” imbroglio, it’s actually very simple: Until the mainstream media covers progressive/Democrat politicians like they do conservatives/Republicans, be prepared to hear that phrase. If the whole Trump-Russia collusion nonsense hasn’t been enough, get ready for the laser-like focus on Stormy Daniels...

Trump’s use of “fake news” allegedly is endangering reporters worldwide and makes him akin to a Third World dictator, yet Obama’s IRS abusing its power (which the second article of the never-used impeachment against Richard Nixon was about) and actual spying on journalists garners mere … shrugs of the shoulders. 
When Candidate Trump said that we were going to get tired of all the winning, I thought it a silly comment.  But since the lefties haven't learned their lessons yet, he's still winning--but I doubt I'll get tired of it any time soon.

1 comment:

  1. All those kids protesting in the streets are annoying the hell out of those of us who have to pay for their nonsense. This generation is the most egotistic one since the 1920's. They seem to believe the sun rose and fell when they were born. This is the final product of all those 90's seminars on self-esteem over merit based achievement everywhere else in the world.
