Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Events Of The Last Couple Days

The weather's been crappy :-)  The Northern Lights Tour was cancelled both last night (when the lights themselves were supposed to be fairly good, given the solar wind) and tonight (when they're supposed to be just OK) because of rain.  There's been a little snow but mostly just rain.  Which freezes at night.  Which makes slippery walking throughout the day.  Ugh.

Yesterday we did the Hop-On-Hop-Off tour.  I've done it before but it's been almost 3 years.  Picked it up at the big church on the hill, Hallgrimmskirkja, where I modeled for the statue of Leif Erikson:

Then we went to Perlan,

where I got some nice pictures overlooking Reykjavik.  (If you look closely above you can see the observation deck on top of the water tanks.)

We ended up back at the church last night after a light snow:

Today we took a tour to the Lava Cave, perhaps a 45 min drive away.  The entrance wasn't much to look at, just a hole in the snow:
Inside was pretty cool, especially the "snow cones" from the "skylights"
as well as all the ice formations both above and below:

It was quite different from the lava cave I saw near Hilo, Hawaii!

And if you think that I'm not truly in Iceland, that I'm stealing someone else's pictures, well...

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