Monday, February 19, 2018


Cold.  Dark.  Sleet. Those were the weather conditions upon arrival today.  Except for the darkness, it didn't change much throughout the day.  Rain wasn't continuous but it was ever a threat; there's a strong wind and some rain out right now (8:06pm local time--the blog stays on Pacific Time).

Unlike last year's, this year's hotel gave a room right away even though we were hours before check-in time.  We both needed a couple hours of rest.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple days' events:

Not a nice place, it was full of dicks!  :-)

Saw the aurora on the flight over.  It wasn't very bright but it was extensive!  I thought the plane would tip over when everyone started moving to the left side to take a look!

Hop-on-Hop-off bus tour of the city tomorrow.


  1. Iceland in February? You are a die-hard traveller!

  2. I just have to wonder if there are any souvenirs from that museum....
