Tuesday, January 23, 2018

13th Blogiversary

I wrote my first blog post on January 23rd, 2005.  For a couple of years I averaged 3 blog posts a day, racking up over 1100 posts a year for awhile.  I downshifted when I started my master's program, and even now that that's finished, I still haven't gotten back to 3 per day.  My blog used to get many times more hits per day then than it does now, so perhaps it's good that I'm not so prolific--not as many people care about my thoughts!

Several months ago I toyed with the idea of ending this blog today, but I don't think I'm going to do that.  I enjoy writing it, more than you probably imagine I do.  So while I may not continue for another 13 years, the end isn't in sight.  Not just yet.

Here's my first blog post, 13 years old today.  Here are some other blogiversary posts I've done over the years.  In this one in particular I highlight Joanne Jacobs' influence in starting to write my own blog.  And, of course, here's probably the best post I ever did write or will write, from 2008.


  1. I remember when you started this blog Darren. You have given me 13 years of interesting writing and commentary, time well spent. In a way, I guess I consider you one of my favorite writers. I mean, I read your wit & wisdom almost everyday so I must like it. I even share it with friends.

    I hope for and wish you another 13+ years of enjoyable blogging.

  2. I enjoy your blogs very much- glad you decided to keep writing and sharing your thoughts.

  3. socalmike8:33 PM

    Well done, Darren. I've enjoyed your posts for a very long time - you are bookmarked on every computer I own or use. Keep up the good work.
