Monday, October 02, 2017


There are many types of sociopaths in the world.  Some of them we recognize right away, and others we just shake our heads at; it's only later, when we've thought about it for awhile, that we recognize that there's more than a little that's "not quite right" with some people, that they're actually sick in the head.

The first type of sociopath is the shooter in Las Vegas.  I don't care what his reason was, he was a sociopath.  The second type of sociopath is demonstrated by these people:
CBS has parted ways with one of the company’s top lawyers after she said she was “not even sympathetic” to victims of the Las Vegas shooting because “country music fans often are Republican,” when discussing the mass shooting that unfolded in Las Vegas late Sunday night.   link
I'm impressed CBS fired her.  Then again, who would want someone that unstable working for them?

How about this one--from a teacher, no less?  Giving that Felarca woman a run for the crazy title, and making all of us look bad in the process:
Lots of white trump supporters in Las Vegas at route 21 watching Jason aldean.  Pray only trumptards dies! link
One of the signs of sociopathy is a lack of empathy for other people.  The people above possess that warning sign.

This next fellow isn't a sociopath, just a dimwit:
Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) said Monday that he won’t participate in a moment of silence on the House floor for victims of Sunday night's deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas.

“As after #Orlando, I will NOT be joining my colleagues in a moment of silence on the House Floor that just becomes an excuse for inaction,” Moulton tweeted Monday. link
His idea of action is gun control.  Incidentally, I wonder if he approves of the "excuse for inaction" currently in vogue in the NFL.  Just sayin'.

Update:  From Sarah Hoyt:
[T]he carrion crows viewing this as a chance to advance their agenda, should get down on their knees and beg whatever God they believe in to forgive them and turn them into real humans, with real human feelings.

And that’s not counting the people saying it’s okay because those people were likely Trump Voters. Those people have willfully cut themselves from the human race and made themselves a species of hyena far more repulsive than real hyenas — who are after all only animals who can’t help their behavior.


  1. I thought you might be interested in this column:
    Take away graph:
    "The military senior leadership has turned into a fraternity, where they cover up for each other and make sure everyone graduates with a gentleman’s “C”. And it’s not even a fun fraternity – the senior leadership is painfully politically correct, parroting all the right buzzwords and receive wisdom of our failed ruling caste. Many of these people are courageous on the battlefield – they’ll happily charge a Taliban warrior wielding an AK-47. But they quake in their boots back home in the face of an enemy they don’t understand and that can destroy their careers – the Social Justice Warrior. That’s why you don’t see them saying what every damn one of them knows is true – that women, despite their heart and commitment, are a net liability in ground combat units, that trans troops are an expensive distraction and damaging to morale, and that the insane focus on “diversity” programs sucks up priceless training time and fuels, rather than quells, discord in the ranks."

  2. Growing up I went to school with the son of Dr. Lee Grigson. He was a psychiatrist that frequently testified in cases where mental illness led to serious crimes. He wrote a book about sociopaths and was largely reviled by the psychiatric community for saying that about ten percent of the population has no ability to demonstrate empathy or sympathy. He was a pariah in his own profession. But looking at our society today, it seems that there is a significant though small portion of the population who will literally do anything for their own needs. When you add drugs or sex addition or perversion or other issues into the mix, you come up with a person who doesn't give a damn about anyone else and who will use unnecessarily violent means to get their way. I don't know about this shooting. I know he wired money out of the country and his 'girlfriend" was evidently not confined enough to keep her in the US. I believe there is more to the story. I also think that the majority of mass killings are the product of serious mental illness. And yes, that even includes terrorists because they've been brainwashed into their attitudes against their own best interests.

  3. Ellen K--did you intend the first comment above to be on this post?

  4. Darren, I'm not surprised, I'm shocked.

  5. The terms are confusing; the blogosphere is awash with sociopaths
    incapable of empathy. The guy with the bigboy toys in the Vegas
    suite was a psychopath; incapable of empathy and full of hatred for
    humanity: it was reported that his father had been diagnosed as a
    psychopath. We ponder whether sociopaths just blabber, while psychopaths kill. ..and why the current president overturned the
    law limiting their access to weapons.

  6. I challenge you to defend your closing statement. Evidence.

  7. Is this the foolishness you're spouting?
    If so, even left-wing Snopes debunks it. You've got to get your news from more sources than MSNBC, Mother Jones, and Salon.

  8. OK, I understand. Right wingers welcome, all others bring a source or two ? Spouting foolishness? Me? I get my news from the ammunition business, where
    I spent 30 years as scientist, researcher, lab manager, explosives
    production manager and have numerous percussion primer patents. My team and I made about 50 billion rounds. I interfaced with the FBI, Interpol, US and foreign military and hundreds of Joe shooter people. You think I should have an opinion? As for the socio-psycho pathologies, we are all picking nits, that particular study being
    less precise than mathematics or the physical sciences. As for the
    NRA sheep example A , example B ,
    example c , etc . Like most of us, I get my news from a wide
    variety of sources...except Conservapedia and Breitbart, of course.

  9. Yes. This isn't a religion, you don't get to say stupid things and have the rest of us accept it on faith.

    I have read the links you provided. This president approved overturning Obama-era regulations. That's kind of what he was elected for, no? The Obama-era regulations were flawed and they were right to be overturned. Even left-wing Snopes says:

    "More accurately, Congress passed the repeal of an Obama-era measure that would have made it easier to enforce existing restrictions on gun sales." Easier to enforce. Registering all firearms might make regulations easier to enforce, but I wouldn't go for that, either.
