Sunday, October 01, 2017

A Little Media Bias With My Mid-morning Tea

From the San Francisco Chronicle:
I know why some conservative speakers, white supremacists and the president’s supporters flock to Berkeley, and it has nothing to do with free speech. What they want to do is normalize hate and spread it on college campuses. 
This is not an op-ed, this was written by one of the paper's columnists.  If you don't believe that's media bias, then we have no common ground on which to have a constructive conversation.

You want more?  Here's more:
But Taylor, who identifies as a communist revolutionary and has some radical views and ideas that I don’t support, such as revolution that completely disrupts government, certainly isn’t wrong about what Berkeley represents: a battleground for political messaging.

And I believe she’s here for the right reasons.
I give this columnist credit for being honest with his illiberal, intolerant bias.

You know why "white supremacists" are the new bugaboo of the left?  Because no one listens to accusations of "racist" anymore, because in true Peter and the Wolf fashion, they've cried "racist!" so many times that no one believes them anymore.  What's the next epithet they'll hurl, once they figure out that "white supremacist!" doesn't work anymore?

1 comment:

  1. The "conservatives" (i.e. everybody whom the left doesn't like lumped in together with their big scary NeoNazi buddies) are trying to normalize hate?
    Um... nope. That would be the left. Social Justice Warriors always project.
    As the Instapundit quips, just consider the news media as Progressives or Democratic party operatives with bylines, rather than reporters.
