Friday, July 28, 2017

It's Almost Like The Civil Rights Movement Never Happened

I thought we decided before I was born that government wasn't supposed to treat people of different races differently.  Yet it does, all the time--but does a government arm have to go this far?  Can this be justified on any legal grounds?
The University of Minnesota is banning white and straight students from a safe space on campus, according to a Thursday report.

The school’s Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life hosts “Tongues Untied,” a space in which people can congregate to discuss the impact of sexuality, race and gender, according to Campus Reform. But not everyone is invited.

“For our allies: we do appreciate your voices and commitment to dismantling racism and homophobia; however, please note that this is a space created for LGBTQIA and/or same-gender-loving people of color,” the space’s description reads.

“If you identify as a queer and/or trans indigenous person or person of color, we welcome you to take part in our discussions,” states the group’s Facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. They want an echo chamber. Heaven forbid any dissent or different ideas enter.
