Friday, July 28, 2017

Fool Me Once, Shame On You, Fool Me Twice...

I didn't buy or watch Al's first movie, and now his second is coming out:
Former Vice President Al Gore’s new global warming film debuts in select theaters Friday, just in time to see if his 2006 prediction came true that humanity would face a “true planetary crisis” if nothing was done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

It didn’t, but that hasn’t stopped Gore from going on a whirlwind media tour to promote his new film “An Inconvenient Sequel.”
As an educator I did get a free copy of the original movie.  It's in my safe doing a two-fer:
1) no one is watching that copy, and
2) after 20 years I'll show it and let people see for themselves how wrongheaded the current environmental movement is.


  1. You could do what I do with books I dislike. Normally I take boxes of books to Recycled Books in Denton-a book store that knows books and gives me a fair price. But if I really dislike a book, I throw it away on the same premise-that nobody can be infected by the bad book.

  2. Peggy U9:46 AM

    Hello? Why is it that "as an educator" you received a free copy of the original movie? Who paid for you to receive that free swill?

  3. I don't recall exactly, as it's been forever, but seems to me it was the distributor who sent it to me.
