Monday, July 10, 2017

American Exceptionalism

This is true:
Let me throw down this marker: The West is superior to the rest of the world in every significant way, we should aggressively back our allies over our enemies, and the guiding principle of our foreign policy should always be America’s interests. No apologies. No equivocation. No doubt.

What are your questions?

Well, if you're a normal American, you won't have any questions - these truths are self-evident. But if you're a progressive, you're gonna have a little sissy snit fit like so many libs did in the wake of the President’s triumphant Warsaw speech. There’s one thing that always sets them off - uttering the truth/heresy that not only is Western civilization the best and most advanced culture in the history of humanity, but the United States of America is its greatest manifestation.

The immigrants and refugees get it. Which way are they always headed? North, to the comparative paradise of the Western world, or south, to the hellscape of the Third World? That's a gimme. They are never headed south, and everyone knows it. Yet the left still insists that we stop believing our lying eyes and start believing the liberal Fifth Column of multicultural liars infesting America’s alleged elite.

Except our eyes aren’t lying, and now we have a President who won’t lie either. It makes them nuts.
American exceptionalism is not a given, though.  It must be worked for and nurtured.  It's taken a hit because of liberals, especially the anti-free speech crowd in our universities and greater culture.  It's taken a hit by the socialists, who want to replace the so-called Protestant work ethic with sloth, envy, and greed.
Do not take our freedoms or our prosperity for granted.  They are not a given. I'm glad to have a President who values the ideals that have made America exceptional.

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