Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Secondo Lotto

Bella Italia.  I'd love to go back.

For the time being I'll have to settle on a dinner of lasagna (provided by students!) and some excellent memories.  If you'd like to see some of those memories, go to the Archives in the lower left portion of the screen and click on July 2012--happy scrolling!  Lots of pictures and a couple videos.

The day we arrived, we found a quiet restaurant along a canal in an off-the-tourist-track part of Venice (I'm thinking it was in Cannaregio).  Since it was our first day, the waiter gave us an on-the-house shot of limoncello.

A year later I had a hankerin', and after a brief internet search I found a great recipe for homemade limoncello.  A few months after that it was done, and wow was it delicious!  About a month and a half ago I got another hankerin', and even though I still have part of a bottle left of the first batch, I started preparing secondo lotto.  Now, halfway through the 90-day process, I've added the simple syrup.  In early May this batch will be ready to go!

I should probably finish off that first batch before then :-)

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