Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Declining Applications

I always post how our three major service academies always rank very high in evaluations of US universities and colleges, this post being the most recent.  Today I learn that two of them have declining numbers of applications--in other words, it seems fewer people want to attend them:

#14, US Naval Academy
Even with the drop in applications, the 2013 applicant pool is still one of the largest the Academy has seen in the last five years.
#2, US Air Force Academy
Like the Naval Academy, the Air Force has one of the lowest acceptance rates in the country at 15.4% in 2013. However, application numbers were down by a hefty 21.51%. 
Good job for avoiding this list, West Point!


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    It would be nice to know the standard deviation
    for these numbers. Are these "real," or just
    the random fluctuations we should expect?

    I suspect that the folks at startclass.com
    didn't even think about this (because ... how
    would that help with the article? What if we
    discovered that this wasn't news?)

    -Mark Roulo

  2. A different take: the service academies are so picky, and the process is so much work? Why should you apply if you're remotely borderline? To me, it would be more scary if hey couldn't fill their classes ...
