Sunday, October 27, 2013


For the first few decades of my life I thought that Sunset Magazine was for old people; it's only been in the last few years that I've learned it's for those of us who live in the West!

It's a fun read, and the pictures are usually spectacular, but some of the stories sure get the wanderlust going.  For instance, the cover story on cabins in the most recent edition included a link to these cabins, within a stone's throw of Yosemite.  How awesome is that A-frame???

Looks like a nice, non-electronic place to visit.


  1. pseudotsuga11:18 AM

    Geez, Darren, it took you that long to figure that out?! ;-)
    Seriously, though, I remember reading Sunset as a kid (My mother got them from the library, if I remember correctly). It has gone more up-scale than it was in the late 70s and 80s, but it still has some nice travel reporting for the less well-heeled. Some good recipes, too.

  2. PeggyU2:23 PM

    I could live in one of those year round. :)

  3. I like Texas Highways for similar reasons. I also like to watch Daytripper, a show out of Austin, that covers little known regional haunts and great restaurants.
