Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sounds Like Fun, Wish I Could Have Attended

An email I received at my University of Idaho email address, advertising an event I would have like to have been able to attend:

University of Idaho
College of Law Courtroom
September 17, 2013
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.


  • Professor Don Crowley, Department of Political Science, College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
  • Professor Richard Seamon, College of Law
  • Professor Shaakirrah Sanders, College of Law
  • Professor Michael Park, School of Journalism and Mass Media, College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences

From the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision on gay marriage to the federal government's decision to allow Colorado and Washington to permit recreational marijuana use; from the constitutionality of firearm restrictions to the question of whether whistleblowers should leak information about possible government misconduct in the course of surveillance: current events highlight the continuing relevance of our 200-year-old Constitution.

  • Attend the 90-minute program which will include brief presentations by professors and audience Q&A.
  • Constitution Day is a national day of recognition to educate the public about the U.S. Constitution.
  • A reception will follow.
  • The program and reception are open to the public.

Still makes me laugh that the school is in Moscow :-)

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