Wednesday, February 27, 2013


If you're one of the 7 people in the country who hasn't seen this video yet, I'm privileged to be the one to provide it for you:

Both those teams are full of winners.

Update, 2/28/13:  Clearly CBS isn't full of winners, as they're removed the video due to copyright considerations.


  1. Hadn't seen it. Thanks!

  2. Link doesn't work.

  3. I hadn't seen it, and on the surface, the home coach's actions were laudable ... but, the other team creating a turnover deliberately so he could score is not. Maybe well intentioned, but totally condescending. I would have been proud enough to get in to the game ... you don't do people favors by letting them win.

  4. They were already up plenty with seconds left. The game was already lost. It was a classy move.

  5. The game isn't over, until it's over. And, as a very competitive athlete myself, when I could still run :( I would not have wanted this ... my own team feeding me the ball? Sure. The opposing team doing it? Condescending. That said ... I'm sure that wasn't what his opponent was thinking, and it was well intentioned and . . . I'll give you, classy. Then again ... would he have done the same thing if his team could have won with a basket? If so, it's not so much classy as an acknowledgement that they couldn't win. It's nice for the kid who made the basket, I guess ... but I'd always be thinking, "Yeah, but they let me have it." I'd rather try my hardest and come up short than be given something and succeed . . .
