Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bad Teacher Doing A Bad Thing

Doesn't this just make your heart sink?
A California high school student was shocked at what she found when she decided to play detective and stop a string of thefts from backpacks during gym class.

Justine Betti said she decided to hide in a locker to see if she could catch the thief in action. She didn’t expect the alleged culprit to be her gym teacher.

After all of the students left the locker room, the teacher stayed behind, rummaged through backpacks and took money, Betti said.

“Something needed to be done. That’s not okay,” she told ABC News’ Sacramento affiliate KXTV.  Betti is a sophomore at Linden High School in Linden, Calif., about 60 miles southeast of Sacramento.

Betti decided to hide in the locker again — this time, with a cellphone camera to record what she saw. She set up a second camera in another locker to get two angles.
I'm curious if this teacher's union is gearing up a defense.

1 comment:

  1. I find it difficult to believe the student wasn't suspended for using a cell phone, #1, and a camera in a locker room, #2. Both clearly against school rules. It's interesting to tie this in to the case of the boy who wrested the gun away from the assailant in Florida . . . to me, this is way worse. Imagine if a man had set up a cell phone camera in either locker room ... I obviously can't support the teacher, and the girl did a good thing ...overall. but how many people's privacy was violated? The school could have handled this if she'd gone to administration. So, in this case . . .no harm, no foul. But how does that fly in the face of other zero tolerance rules?
