Thursday, November 29, 2012


Usually my son and I set up our tree, and spread Christmas decorations about the house, on the day after Thanksgiving.  This year, however, we spent the day after Thanksgiving snorkeling and kayaking around a small cove at Bird Island, in the Sea of Cortez.

So last night we broke out the decorations, which were augmented by some my mother decided that she didn't need but I did!  (I don't need them either, actually, but what the heck).  A little later last evening I started feeling somewhat yucky so, while most of the decorations are out of the boxes and the tree is up, there's still stuff all over my living room floor.  I'll clean that up this evening.

When I travel I try not to by tchotchkes--who doesn't have too many already?--but one thing I do buy is Christmas tree ornaments.  Each year when we decorate our tree, my son and I get to review the trips we've taken.  The summit of Pikes Peak?  Check.  Carnival cruise?  Check.  Cancun?  Check.  Las Vegas?  Check.  Philadelphia?  Check.  It was such a treat yesterday to put my brand new Venice ball on the tree.

Not that it's so good for my currently-stated goal of losing weight, but Christmas is my favorite time of year.  Usually I'm just about done with Christmas shopping by now, but this year I pretty much haven't even started yet.  I know what I'll be doing this weekend!

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