Saturday, October 06, 2012

I Wonder How Many Teachers Get Away With Relationships With Students

Seriously, I do wonder that, because kids are notoriously blabby, and it only takes one person to report the misconduct and bring hellfire down upon the shoulders of the miscreant.  Even if the teacher and student are incredibly discreet, the Sword of Damocles that hangs over the relationship, that fear of getting caught, just can't be worth it, can it?  I would think the chances of getting caught are way too high, knowing what I do about teenagers.

It must have been worth it for these guys, though, if anything in this report is true:
RUNNEMEDE, N.J. -- A sex scandal erupted Thursday at a high school here, and a top law enforcement official said a culture of permissiveness allowed male teachers to pursue sexual relationships with female students.

Three faculty members at Triton Regional High School -- math teachers Jeff Logandro, 32, and Daniel Michielli, 27, both of Blackwood, N.J.; and health instructor Nick Martinelli, 28, of Cherry Hill, N.J. -- allegedly engaged in sexual activity and other misconduct with separate members of last year's senior class.

And when the school's top administrators were told of the alleged activities, Principal Catherine DePaul and Vice Principal Jernee Kollock worked to protect the teachers rather than turn them in, authorities allege...

"It is alleged that throughout the past school year, the defendants took a trip to the beach with the victims and exchanged sexually explicit text messages"...

According to the prosecutor, DePaul learned of the allegations in April from a substitute teacher who had been told by a pupil that teachers were engaging in sexual contact with students.

DePaul did not alert authorities as the law required but instead "conducted a halfhearted and inadequate inquiry aimed primarily at protecting the teachers and covering up their relationships with the students," (Prosecutor) Faulk said.
Definitely makes you wonder.

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