Saturday, October 06, 2012

Californians Shooting Themselves In The Foot

You can have wackos running your government or you can have a reasonable cost of living.  You can't have both:
Liberal Californians, you've done this.


  1. That graph is out of date as I've seen $5.50+ regular gas around here already.

  2. Did I hear correctly that some stations are beginning to ration gas because they don't know when they're getting more?

  3. I have heard that, yes, but have not seen any stations identifying themselves as doing so. On the news I heard that happening in Southern California, I haven't (yet) heard of any occurrences in Northern California.

  4. Combine costly corn ethanol that requires special handling. Add higher costs of corn due to midwestern drought. Plus you add the boutique mixture of fuel required by California law and voila! You have a perfect storm that results in higher gas costs, less availability. Funny how that whole supply and demand thing works out isn't it?

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    And just wait until November 14 when the carbon trade system goes live.
