Saturday, June 09, 2012

Senior Pranks

These are pranks?  "Pranks" is not just another word for "vandalism", they have two very different meanings, and while those meanings may overlap in some instances, I don't see that they do in either of these two cases:
Seniors in C.K. McClatchy High School's class of 2012 tried to leave their mark on the school with peanut butter, spray paint, toilet paper and eggs, but their "senior prank" efforts turned dangerous and dozens of them have been banned from graduation ceremonies Friday.

About 30 students sprayed profane graffiti, wrapped toilet paper, pitched eggs and smeared peanut butter throughout the Land Park school's campus overnight Sunday as part of a senior prank. The extensive nature of the hijinks led to one student with a peanut allergy being sent to a doctor and others not being able to attend school.  link

Authorities say it may have been intended as a prank but it wasn't funny when vandals chopped down a 70-foot pine tree at a northern Los Angeles County high school.

The Santa Clarita Signal ( says surveillance video recorded three people in hoodies and caps using chainsaws to attack the tree on the Canyon High School campus before dawn last Friday.

The vandals spent three hours cutting down the tree, which was planted at the Canyon Country school 40 years ago. link

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  1. Anonymous11:23 PM

    The McClatchy Parents who think this vandalism was "a prank" had a graduation ceremony today for all their brats. I can't wait until they get the restitution bill in the mail from SCUSD.

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Just before the end of the school year, daylight revealed the flagpole entirely ringed with old tires, courtesy of some kids in my oldest's senior class. Prominently posted was a note announcing removal of the tires the following night, which occured on schedule, and a statement that no heavy equipment or crane was involved.

  3. Anonymous6:56 PM

    And now for the real story. There were two separate incidents (one prank, one vandalism) -- which are both recorded on security video tape -- yet the principal punished all the students equally without due process. Shame on the real vandals, shame on the school officials. At least News 10 bothered to track down more of the truth.
